We use Service Control Policies (SCPs) in AWS to restrict dangerous actions at the account or organization unit level. In an ideal world, you’d design an SCP upfront when a new use case arrives, and then adapt it as that use case evolves over time. Here in the real world, we often have to roll out changes to policies, including SCPs, to live workloads.

Let’s explore how we can test changes to our SCPs.

NB: all of the code samples contained in this article are from the accompanying project on GitHub.

Background: CloudTrail and Policy Simulator

We’re going to use a combination of two services to better understand if the actions our users and services are currently performing will be blocked when we roll out our SCP changes. It’s assumed that you’ve already got CloudTrail configured to record all AWS API events in all regions in the account(s) that you want to apply the new policies to. CloudTrail records AWS API actions like someone creating a new S3 bucket or adding permissions to an IAM role. It doesn’t record data events by default. Examples of data events include reading or writing objects in S3 buckets or storing data in DynamoDB. These can be incredibly high volume, and there’s a significant cost to capturing them in an active AWS account.

Policy Simulator has an interface that I really struggle to use, but is an incredibly valuable service that lets you test API operations against an IAM principal like a role or user without actually performing the API operation. You can use it to understand if an action is permitted for a given user or service, and even test out policy changes without touching the live resources. It’s got an API, and that’s what we’re going to use to test out changes to our SCPs!

How much does recording data events cost?

Let’s take a simple example: you have an API running at 10 RPS. It’s powered by a Lambda function that’s invoked once per API request and DynamoDB that’s called twice per request.

31 days in a month x 86400 seconds in a day x 10 RPS = ~27 million requests per month.

(2 DynamoDB data events + 1 Lambda data event) * 27 million = ~81 million

CloudTrail’s charge for 81 million data events is $81 a month. We’re not accounting for the S3 or CloudWatch Logs cost on top of that.

Your context will decide if it’s worth the cost to store data events, and the retention that’s required. If you don’t store data events, you’ll have to manually test your SCP changes against those actions.

A third tool in our belt - CloudWatch Logs (Insights)

CloudTrail includes the ability to search through the last ninety days of events, but I’ve never had much joy finding the event(s) I’m really interested in. You may find that your CloudTrail events are already being shipped to a CloudWatch Log Group, for example if your organization-wide CloudTrail was created by Control Tower.

In this post, we’re going to use CloudWatch as our source of CloudTrail data. It’s not feasible to run every single API event through Policy Simulator, so we’re going to aggregate them on a schedule and then produce a report of any API actions that we think are going to be allowed or denied. We can compare the result after changes to the existing CloudTrail event which details if the event was previously allowed or denied.

Aggregating CloudTrail events with CloudWatch Logs Insights

Let’s start with the default query that CloudWatch Logs Insights presents us with when we launch the interface:

fields @timestamp, @message, @logStream, @log
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 20

The first line selects fields that will be shown in the table of results when our query is run. We can expand items individually to view the rest of the data. The second line orders the results to show the newest logs first. The last is a very conservative limit on how many results will be returned. When we use the CloudTrail logs to simulate policy actions, we’re most interested in the IAM principal performing the action, and what they’re trying to do. Let’s adapt the fields line to highlight that information:

fields eventSource, eventName, userIdentity.type, userIdentity.arn, userIdentity.sessionIssuer.arn
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 20

We use the user identity ARN and the session issuer ARN as the latter is more useful for role-based access, and the former covers off other principals like users.

Example results look like this:

eventSource eventName userIdentity.type userIdentity.arn userIdentity.sessionIssuer.arn
signin.amazonaws.com ConsoleLogin AssumedRole arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/AWSReservedSSO_administrator-access_8da98b2be4e76617/james@jsherz.com arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/aws-reserved/sso.amazonaws.com/eu-west-1/AWSReservedSSO_administrator-access_8da98b2be4e76617
s3.amazonaws.com GetBucketAcl AWSService    
s3.amazonaws.com PutObject arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/example-iam-user    

NB: After running your search, click “Export results” to have the option to export a markdown table, CSV or spreadsheet.

The majority of CloudTrail logs you’ll view are the same sorts of principals performing the same sorts of actions. We want to aggregate these results to reduce the number of policy simulations that we have to run. Let’s add in a stats directive:

fields eventSource, eventName, userIdentity.type, userIdentity.arn, userIdentity.sessionIssuer.arn
| stats count(*) by eventSource, eventName, userIdentity.type, userIdentity.arn, userIdentity.sessionIssuer.arn
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 20

A new column now appears showing the number of similar rows we’ve managed to group together:

eventSource eventName userIdentity.type userIdentity.arn userIdentity.sessionIssuer.arn count(*)
dynamodb.amazonaws.com DescribeContinuousBackups AssumedRole 1
sso.amazonaws.com ListProfilesForApplication Unknown     2
s3.amazonaws.com GetBucketAcl AWSService     23
logs.amazonaws.com StartQuery AssumedRole 3
health.amazonaws.com DescribeEventAggregates AssumedRole 12

We’ve still got a lot of duplicate entries, as the userIdentity.arn includes the role session name - a dynamic value. Let’s use coalesce and an alias to prefer the session issuer ARN if it’s available, and to fall back to the user identity ARN if not.

fields eventSource, eventName, userIdentity.type, coalesce(userIdentity.sessionContext.sessionIssuer.arn, userIdentity.arn) as principalArn
| stats count(*) by eventSource, eventName, userIdentity.type, principalArn
| sort @timestamp desc
| limit 20

Much better! We’ve now got the role ARN for roles, and the principal’s ARN for everything else.

At this point, we’re no longer even viewing the @timestamp, so let’s remove the sort:

fields eventSource, eventName, userIdentity.type, coalesce(userIdentity.sessionContext.sessionIssuer.arn, userIdentity.arn) as principalArn
| stats count(*) by eventSource, eventName, userIdentity.type, principalArn
| limit 20

We also want a comprehensive view of the data - we need to test all the API actions that are happening in the account against our SCP changes. To that end, let’s also remove the limit:

fields eventSource, eventName, userIdentity.type, coalesce(userIdentity.sessionContext.sessionIssuer.arn, userIdentity.arn) as principalArn
| stats count(*) by eventSource, eventName, userIdentity.type, principalArn

In my sandbox AWS organization that only runs a couple of live workloads, this returns about 1000 principal and action combinations that we’d have to test. It may not be relevant to you to simulate the policies with the principal involved, and so you could reduce that number down further if required:

fields eventSource, eventName
| stats count(*) by eventSource, eventName

Simulating API actions against a (new|updated) SCP

Now that we’ve found an estimate of the number of simulations we will need to run, we can’t start examining how we’d use Policy Simulator to test our new SCP. Let’s start with an example SCP from the AWS documentation:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*"

Can we add this SCP to the organization-under-test? Let’s use the SimulateCustomPolicy API method and find out! We’ll start by installing the relevant AWS SDK, in our case into a TypeScript project.

yarn add @aws-sdk/client-iam

We’ll take a few example IAM actions from our CloudTrail data and see if they are denied by this policy:

const client = new IAMClient({});

const result = await client.send(
    new SimulateCustomPolicyCommand({
        PolicyInputList: [policy],
        ActionNames: [
            // ...

console.log("Results were truncated?", result.IsTruncated ? "yes" : "no");

for (const evaluationResult of result.EvaluationResults || []) {

We get an output similar to the following:

Results were truncated? no
acm:ListCertificates implicitDeny undefined
backup:ListBackupPlans implicitDeny undefined
sts:AssumeRoleWithSAML implicitDeny undefined
workspaces:DescribeWorkspaces implicitDeny undefined

As you can see above - our policy does not explicitly Deny our test actions, and thus the SCP would be safe to apply. Let’s try again with a few actions from CloudWatch:

const result2 = await client.send(
    new SimulateCustomPolicyCommand({
        PolicyInputList: [policy],
        ActionNames: [

Here are the results:

Results were truncated? no
cloudwatch:GetMetricData implicitDeny undefined
cloudwatch:DeleteDashboards explicitDeny undefined
cloudwatch:DescribeAlarmHistory implicitDeny undefined

We can observe that we’re not allowed to delete dashboards as that would be explicitly blocked by our SCP. The other actions would be fine as long as our principal has the permissions to perform them.

NB: you can find the above code for searching CloudTrail logs in CloudWatch in the project on GitHub.

Challenges simulating policies

We’ve covered a very simple case of a policy that has no conditions and does not mention specific IAM principals. Before we cover more involved SCPs, let’s talk about a few challenges we have using CloudTrail data in this way.

Matching CloudTrail events to IAM actions

Let’s query for every unique event source (service name) in my test org:

fields eventSource
| stats count(*) by eventSource

That produces results that look like the following:


We can remove the “.amazonaws.com” bit and the count, leaving us with what looks like an IAM prefix.

If we take the resulting list of ninety-seven services, how many do you think would be the correct IAM action prefix? By my maths, eighty-three of them are the same, and the rest are slightly different or rely on more than one prefix:

Service name from CloudTrail IAM prefix(es)
amazonmq.amazonaws.com mq
apigateway.amazonaws.com apigateway, execute-api
application-insights.amazonaws.com applicationinsights
billingconsole.amazonaws.com billing
cloudcontrolapi.amazonaws.com cloudformation
codeguru-reviewer.amazonaws.com codeguru
datasync.amazonaws.com resourcedatasync
monitoring.amazonaws.com cloudwatch
servicecatalog-appregistry.amazonaws.com servicecatalog
tagging.amazonaws.com tag
taxconsole.amazonaws.com tax

The rest are items like “signin” which doesn’t exist as an IAM prefix, and some quirks like “resource-explorer-2” where you actually need permissions for “resource-explorer” as well if you want to use it in the console.

I can’t find an official mapping or list of the above data that exists at the time of writing (March 2023). If you know of one, I’d be really grateful if you pop me an e-mail! AWS’ Cloud Development Kit (CDK) has a file that will get you close in the aws-cdk-lib package - see custom-resources/lib/aws-custom-resource/sdk-api-metadata.json in the aws-cdk-lib folder of your node_modules after installing it. That file is not perfect. For example, many CloudWatch API actions are given the “monitoring” IAM prefix, even though there are thirty-nine IAM actions with the “cloudwatch” prefix. A further option I stumbled upon thanks to a StackOverflow post is to download the data that powers the AWS Policy Generator. This produces a pure JavaScript file intended to be used with an existing application, so let’s write a small script to download it and make it applicable for us:

import axios from "axios";
import {promises as fs} from "fs";
import * as path from "path";

const outputPath = path.join(process.cwd(), "src", "service-iam-data.js");

const response = await axios.get(

await fs.writeFile(
    `const app = {};
module.exports = app;

We’ll avoid using the checkJs option in TypeScript, and we’ll instead provide some typings that make it easier to work with the above file:

declare module "*/service-iam-data.js" {
    export interface IService {
        StringPrefix: string;
        Actions: string[];
        ARNFormat?: string;
        ARNRegex?: string;
        conditionKeys?: string[];
        HasResource: boolean;

    export interface IPolicyType {
        Name: string;
        AssociatedService: string[];

    export const PolicyEditorConfig: {
        conditionOperators: string[];
        conditionKeys: string[];
        serviceMap: Record<string, IService>;
        policyTypes: Record<string, IPolicyType>;
        VPCPolicyServiceActionMap: Record<string, string[]>;

Remapping services

We can overcome the first challenge with a simple map of the incoming service name and what we’d like it to become:

const serviceNameOverrides: Record<string, string> = {
    amazonmq: "mq",
    "application-insights": "applicationinsights",
    tagging: "tag",

Remapping the “eventName” to a different service

Next, we’ll remap some of the eventName values coming in from CloudTrail to a different IAM prefix:

export type EventSource = string;
export type EventName = string;

const eventSourceOverrides: Record<
    Record<EventName, EventSource>
> = {
    // ...
    billingconsole: {
        // ...
        GetAllPurchaseOrders: "aws-portal",
        GetBillingAddress: "aws-portal",
        // ...
    // ...
    taxconsole: {
        GetTaxExemptionTypes: "tax",

Excluding events we’re not interested in

Some CloudTrail events note that something happened, not that a user or service has attempted to perform an action with an API call. We want to exclude these from our analysis:

export type EventSource = string;
export type EventName = string;

const excludedActions: Record<EventSource, Record<EventName, boolean>> = {
  // ...
  "cognito-idp": {
    Error_GET: true,
    Login_GET: true,
    SAML2Response_POST: true,
    Token_POST: true,
  // ...
  signin: {
    ConsoleLogin: true,
    // ...
  // ...

Remapping the “eventName” to the appropriate IAM actions

Many of the CloudTrail eventName values aren’t the same as the IAM action required to generate that event. In some cases, one event requires two IAM prefixes. We’ll create a map to get the right IAM actions(s) for each event:

export type EventSource = string;
export type EventName = string;

const actionOverrides: Record<EventSource, Record<EventName, EventName[]>> = {
  "aws-portal": {
    // ...
    GetAccountEDPStatus: ["ViewPortal"],
    // ...
  kms: {
    ReEncrypt: ["ReEncryptFrom", "ReEncryptTo"],
  lambda: {
    "/^AddPermission.*/": ["AddPermission"],
    "/^GetFunction.*/": ["GetFunction"],
    // ...
  // ...
  sso: {
    "ListProfiles, GetProfile": ["GetProfile", "ListProfiles"],

Bringing it all together

With all of the above nastiness out of the way, we can now query CloudWatch for our CloudTrail data, and simulate it against a candidate SCP. The full code for these commands is located in the project on GitHub:

# See the README for the full setup
yarn build

# Your choice of auth method
export AWS_PROFILE=master
aws sso login

# Query with CloudWatch Logs Insights
node dist/fetch-actions

# Perform the analysis - see src/evaluate-cloudtrail-data.ts for the policy!
node dist/evaluate-cloudtrail-data

We’ll get results that look like the following:

evaluating tagging:GetResources implicit deny
evaluating tagging:GetTagKeys implicit deny
evaluating taxconsole:GetTaxExemptionTypes implicit deny
evaluating transfer:ListWorkflows implicit deny

You can customise the code to suit a style of reporting that works for you and your team. Perhaps you’ll setup an automation that scans the CloudTrail data daily and runs the simulations twice: once with the old policy and once with the new policy.

SCPs that involve a principal

If we have an SCP that involves a principal, we have to run the simulation for each unique principal value to determine if it’s allowed or denied. This vastly increases the number of simulations that we have to run, and also the complexity of finding the right data. One option is to run different kinds of simulations for different kinds of policies:

  • SCP containing only conditions on services that are allowed: query and analyse based on eventSource.
  • SCP with IAM actions: query on eventSource and eventName - use both.
  • SCP with principals: query only for relevant eventSource and eventName values. Produce a list of principals that are relevant. Simulate with those.

SCPs with conditions

Before we conclude, let’s look at a few more advanced SCPs and work on methods to test them.

Region-based controls

Let’s say you’re blocking access to any region-specific services that aren’t in an allowed region. We can simulate that by passing some context into our call to the policy simulator:

import {
} from "@aws-sdk/client-iam";

const iamClient = new IAMClient({});

const euCentral1Result = await iamClient.send(
    new SimulateCustomPolicyCommand({
        PolicyInputList: [policyUnderTest],
        ActionNames: ["ec2:RunInstances"],
        ContextEntries: [
                ContextKeyName: "aws:RequestedRegion",
                ContextKeyType: ContextKeyTypeEnum.STRING,
                ContextKeyValues: ["eu-central-1"],

It’s not the simplest to add, but we can also experiment with bypassing the restrictions based on our principal:

const euWest2ExemptResult = await iamClient.send(
    new SimulateCustomPolicyCommand({
        PolicyInputList: [policyUnderTest],
        ActionNames: ["ec2:RunInstances"],
        ContextEntries: [
                ContextKeyName: "aws:RequestedRegion",
                ContextKeyType: ContextKeyTypeEnum.STRING,
                ContextKeyValues: ["eu-west-2"],
                ContextKeyName: "aws:PrincipalARN",
                ContextKeyType: ContextKeyTypeEnum.STRING,
                ContextKeyValues: [

We can’t use the CallerArn parameter to SimulateCustomPolicy as it only works for IAM users. With these conditions and more advanced policies, we’re getting into the territories of brittle testing that has to be tailored to the exact policy wording.

Try this out in the project on GitHub:

node dist/scp-with-region-condition

ec2:RunInstances = implicitDeny


ec2:RunInstances = explicitDeny

eu-west-2 exempt role

ec2:RunInstances = implicitDeny

Enforcing the use of multi-factor authentication

Let’s have a go with one more example SCP that uses a different condition:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "DenyStopAndTerminateWhenMFAIsNotPresent",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "*",
      "Condition": {
        "BoolIfExists": {
          "aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent": false

We can adapt out previous example to test out three scenarios, one of which is shown below:

import {
} from "@aws-sdk/client-iam";

const iamClient = new IAMClient({});

const withMfaResult = await iamClient.send(
    new SimulateCustomPolicyCommand({
        PolicyInputList: [policyUnderTest],
        ActionNames: ["ec2:StopInstances"],
        ContextEntries: [
                ContextKeyName: "aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent",
                ContextKeyType: ContextKeyTypeEnum.BOOLEAN,
                ContextKeyValues: ["true"],

Let’s try in the project on GitHub:

node dist/scp-with-mfa-condition
no context value:

ec2:StopInstances = explicitDeny

no MFA:

ec2:StopInstances = explicitDeny

with MFA:

ec2:StopInstances = implicitDeny


We’ve seen that with some awkward wrangling, we can use CloudTrail data to test SCPs before we roll them out. You’ll have to make your own determination as to whether the complexity and manual nature of this work is worth it for the SCPs that you’re trying to apply. Either way, I hope the CloudWatch Logs Insights queries can be a useful example for your investigations into the access happening in your AWS organization.

See also