Building an automatic backup verification pipeline: Elasticsearch edition
If you don’t restore and verify your backups, you don’t know that they’ll actually work when the time comes. Doing this manually is time consuming, easily forgotten and a great candidate for being automated. I’m sure you can imagine that we’d normally be talking about backups for a database or perhaps some archived Elasticsearch indices, but even your local GitLab instance or Minecraft server backups deserve some love. Once you’ve applied the pattern to one setup, you can repeat the same blueprint over and over again, changing only the part that performs the verification.
For our Elasticsearch example, we’re going to make some assumptions about the snapshots that we’re taking and will use those assumptions to test the backups. Namely, we’re going to perform a very basic count of the number of documents in each index that we restore and expect it to be over a threshold. This is an extremely simplistic test that would be suited to log data, but requires adaptation for nearly any other data set.
We’ll use the Elasticsearch snapshot repository plugin for S3 to send our backups straight into the processing ‘pipeline’. See the ES docs for setting this up. Once the snapshot has been created and uploaded, we can configure the S3 bucket to send a notification to a Lambda function. Although it would be convenient to also have the Lambda function restore the backup and then verify that it’s OK, it’s unlikely that we would have enough disk space, processing power or time to perform those steps. There are a few options we might consider for the compute part of this task, each with their own pros and cons:
Spinning up an EC2 instance
We can do this fairly easily by baking an AMI that contains all of the required software (e.g. with Packer) and then using the user-data to tell the instance which backup it should target. We’d have to manage the lifecycle of the instance, making sure it gets terminated once the verification is complete, but that could easily be achieved if the instance is allowed to self destruct.
One advantage of this method is that we can use a spot instance, even with a blocked out reservation of time to ensure the process completes. This might make it more cost effective if you’re restoring many backups on a frequent basis and the wide range of instance types available also means we have great choice of the types of compute and storage we can use.
Lambda function
As discussed above, the runtime limit on Lambda functions and lack of disk space makes them unsuitable for this task.
ECS task (Fargate)
Fargate removes the need for us to have instances running and lets us use a Docker container for the restoration and verification. The downside is that it has a reasonably small amount of disk space (10GB, which has to include the OS and software) so isn’t suitable for all but the smallest backups.
ECS task (EC2 instance backed)
If we have an existing ECS cluster with instances ready to go, we could use them to run the verification job. This may be desirable if you have a large ECS cluster that you’d like to re-use (e.g. if it contains lots of spot or reserved instances). The downsides are that it may be difficult to schedule the container if your ECS instances don’t have much disk space or compute available and the delay if you have to scale up the ECS cluster to accommodate the restoration tasks.
Another container based solution which doesn’t require the manual provisioning of EC2 instances is CodeBuild. There are a few tiers of compute available and we get 64GB of disk space with the smallest tier or 128GB of space with the two larger tiers. Additionally, we can put the CodeBuild Docker daemon into privileged mode and launch new containers to run the service that we’re restoring a backup for. This might be desirable if you’re a Docker shop and have backups for a server that’s a pain to manually install (e.g. if it’s not available in your OS repos).
The right solution for you really depends on what your team is geared up to work with and if you have existing infrastructure you’d like to re-use. In this post, we’re going to use CodeBuild as it’s an incredible convenient way to get the containers we’ll use to run Elasticsearch.
A brief segue into ES snapshots
Once Elasticsearch has backed up the data to S3, we’re going to use a Lambda function to start the CodeBuild job. We’ll configure a notification on the S3 bucket to trigger the Lambda, and that will rely on the ability to filter the file names, and only look for the “snap-XXXXXX.dat” objects. These contain the metadata for our snapshots, and will be used as an indication that a new snapshot is ready to be processed. The Lambda function is incredible small and is available in the repo that accompanies this post.
Once we get the notification and our verification job is triggered, we can parse out the snapshot UUID from the filename:
snapshot_file = os.environ["SNAPSHOT_FILE"]
snapshot_uuid = snapshot_file[:-4].split("-")[1]
print("Notified for snapshot with UUID %s" % snapshot_uuid)
The Lambda function will provide the environment variable we’re using to get the snapshot file name. Once we know which snapshot we’re looking for, we’ll then download the file in the snapshot repo that points to the latest repository metadata:
# Downloading snapshot index
latest_index = s3.get_object(
latest_index_num = int(latest_index['Body'].read().hex(), 16)
index_path = 'index-%d' % latest_index_num
print("Using snapshot index %s" % index_path)
simply contains a number that we’ll use to find the actual
metadata, which we’ll download and parse as JSON:
index_file = s3.get_object(
metadata = json.loads(index_file['Body'].read())
The Elasticsearch API doesn’t allow us to query information about the snapshots with the UUID, so we now need to find the name of the snapshot:
matches = list(filter(lambda s: s['uuid'] == snapshot_uuid, metadata['snapshots']))
if len(matches) == 0:
raise Exception('Failed to find snapshot with UUID %s' % snapshot_uuid)
snapshot = matches[0]
print("Restoring snapshot %s" % snapshot['name'])
Once we have that, we can identify which indices the snapshot contains. We’ll use this later to verify each one contains valid data:
snapshot_info = requests.get("%s/_snapshot/%s/%s" % (es_url, es_repo, snapshot["name"])).json()
indices = snapshot_info["snapshots"][0]["indices"]
print("Snapshot contains indices %s" % ", ".join(indices))
With the initial metadata checks out the way, it’s time to restore the index and then wait for the restoration job to complete.
Restoring and verifying the backup
Although the above example is related to Elasticsearch, you can perform a
similar process with any other data store. Consider SQL Server. You might have a
maintenance task that stores .bak
files on your local machine, a Scheduled
Task to upload the file to S3 and then trigger the Lambda. Instead of restoring
the backup as we’ll do below, you could spin up an RDS instance and then query
that to ensure the backup works and contains the correct information.
When we call the ES API to restore the snapshot, we can choose to have it immediately respond and acknowledge that the processing of restoring the data has begun, or wait until the restoration has completed. Our HTTP client and the target server would likely timeout for any sizeable amount of data, and so we’ll have it return immediately and then poll the API to see when it’s finished:
'%s/_snapshot/%s/%s/_restore?wait_for_completion=false' % (es_url, es_repo, snapshot['name'])).json()
# Poll for status
def check_all_complete():
print('Checking if all shards are recovered...')
for index in indices:
recovery_data = requests.get('%s/%s/_recovery' % (es_url, index)).json()
if index in recovery_data and all(map(lambda shard: shard['stage'] == 'DONE', recovery_data[index]['shards'])):
print('Index %s is complete' % index)
print('Still waiting for index %s' % index)
return False
return True
while not check_all_complete():
You’ll notice that the time between requests is minute (3 seconds) and thus we’ll be frequently calling the API when no change has occurred. Adjust this value to suit your backup process. If if takes 5 minutes to restore your data, try every 30 seconds. If it takes two hours to restore the backup, checking every minute or five minutes won’t hurt.
Once we’ve restored the backup, we then get to the final stage of determining if the data is valid. The following example is an extremely basic check in which we’re looking for particular number of documents. A better verification process would examine the data and check it has the fields we expect.
for index in indices:
count_query = requests.get('%s/%s/_count' % (es_url, index)).json()
print('Index %s has %d documents' % (index, count_query['count']))
if count_query['count'] <= 100000:
# page engineers
# cry
# ???
print('AAAAH %s IS MISSING DOCS :O :O :O' % index)
What about the CodeBuild job?
I wanted to focus on the verification part of the process as I think that’s the most universal between any data store. All we’re really aiming to do is start the job, wait for it to complete (with retying) and then check the data.
There are many ways to achieve the following setup, but the CodeBuild job that kicks off the verification process starts by launching Elasticsearch:
docker pull
docker run \
--publish 9200:9200 \
--rm \
--env "discovery.type=single-node" \
--detach \
--name elasticsearch \
We then install the S3 repository plugin:
docker exec elasticsearch bin/elasticsearch-plugin install repository-s3 --batch
After that’s ready, we need to authenticate the S3 snapshot repository against AWS. In order to reuse the same authentication that our build job has, we can query the container metadata API and pull out the relevant credentials. We’ll then store these in the Elasticsearch keystore:
docker exec elasticsearch sh -c "echo \"$(cat creds | jq --raw-output .AccessKeyId)\" | bin/elasticsearch-keystore add --stdin s3.client.default.access_key"
docker exec elasticsearch sh -c "echo \"$(cat creds | jq --raw-output .SecretAccessKey)\" | bin/elasticsearch-keystore add --stdin s3.client.default.secret_key"
docker exec elasticsearch sh -c "echo \"$(cat creds | jq --raw-output .Token)\" | bin/elasticsearch-keystore add --stdin s3.client.default.session_token"
docker restart elasticsearch
Once Elasticsearch has been setup and is restarting, we’ll repeatedly try to connect to it until it’s ready and available:
while [ $ES_READY != true ]
curl http://localhost:9200 && ES_READY=true || echo Waiting for ES...
sleep 1
Once reachable, we’ll then create the snapshot repository itself and then kick off the verification script:
cat << EOF > creds-json
"type": "s3",
"settings": {
"bucket": "${SNAPSHOT_BUCKET}",
"readonly": true
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d @creds-json \
aws s3 cp s3://${SNAPSHOT_BUCKET}/
aws s3 cp s3://${SNAPSHOT_BUCKET}/requirements.txt requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
is the script that you’ve seen described above that restores the
snapshot and then counts the documents in each of the restored indices.
Putting it all together
The infrastructure folder in the repo that accompanies this post has a Lambda function, the verification script and the Terraform config required to set this all up. It’s a very basic example but illustrates the components that we need:
Knowledge of how the backups for our data store are structured, and access to them.
A trigger that’s called when a backup is ready for testing.
Some form of verification to check the data is OK, performed using the compute choice that’s most applicable to us (e.g. a spot EC2 instance or CodeBuild job).
Hopefully this post provides some inspiration for you to start verifying your backups automatically and ensure they work and contain the correct data. It can be fiddly to get this kind of process going, but it’s a great way to learn about the data store(s) you use and also to ensure that the backups you’re taking will work if you ever need to rely on them.
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