Trust is a dirty word in access control
There are plenty of words you wouldn’t use in a conversation at work. Maybe they feel inappropriate; maybe they’re considered unacceptable in the culture of your organization, country or region. I want to add another word to the naughty list: trust. Specifically, I want to challenge you and state that we shouldn’t be using “trust” when we talk about access control and authorization.
I’m guilty of being someone who hoarded access in the past, someone who kept the keys to the kingdom and paid out piecemeal odds and ends of permissions as and when the pressure of giving in to an access request outweighed the energy I had to question it. When I reflected on why I didn’t want to grant that access, I arrived at the following list.
I didn’t trust the person or team:
- to treat the data with care;
- to build the tooling required to make supporting an application sustainable;
- to build infrastructure and software securely;
- to have others act in the same way that I internally held as correct;
- to audit the access they granted and used;
- to interrogate if their access was really required, or if it was just a convenience.
To all of the above problems, I took the easy route: I used access control or authorization as a sticking plaster to avoid having to solve the underlying problems. I’m here to tell you that I was wrong, and that I needed to replace that judgement based on trust to robust controls and guidance that help anyone I work with get it right. I’d even go as far to suggest that we often have conversations about access where in our heads we’re thinking about trust, but what we verbalize is something else.
So what’s my beef with trust?
When does trust start and end?
If you grant access to someone when you trust them, you have to wait for that trust to build. Do you grant them access on the first day of the job or in your team? How about week one? Month one? Month six? After the background check has passed? If you trust someone enough to hire them, have them be a representative of your company, to work in your office, to pay them to do a job, why can’t you trust them with access? Surely any delay to that is a delay to them being productive and thus earning your trust?
I argue we should assign access based on need, and that need starts immediately. It’s not a static thing either - it changes and should have robust review over time. Get a human to look at access on a regular basis - you’ll always turn a rock over with something spooky underneath.
What access does Billy Big Bollocks get?
What access does a manger get? How about senior manager? VP? Director? C-suite executive? I’d argue that it should be based just around their needs, rather than anything to do with trust. Would you tell your boss’ boss’ boss that you don’t trust them with access? Of course not! Well, at least I wouldn’t. I’d try to bring them on side: talk them through the principle of least privilege, and get them what they require to do their job.
What happens to trusted users who get hacked?
It’s hard to avoid news stories about big businesses where a single user was spear phished and suddenly your delightful sourcecode is plastered across the internet. Our most trusted colleagues are still humans who make mistakes like anyone, and their access makes them a juicy target. The amount we trust them doesn’t change the risk their access attracts or the consequences when things don’t go to plan.
If we apply the principles discussed below, we limit what they have access to and keep detailed auditing about what they do. That’s a good thing when we’re all one slip away from entering our details into instead of Challenge/response authentication like FIDO2 tokens and good working practices to store passwords in a password manager that will only autofill on the right websites don’t hurt either!
Name-calling and sitting alone at the lunch table
If we don’t address the underlying problems that we attempt to resolve with limiting access, we also risk infantilizing our colleagues and treating them like they’re not trusted - even if we do actually trust them. Build robust controls that help them understand the state of their own infrastructure and solve their own security related findings. Point them to the same talks, docs and other materials that won you over and shaped your approach to security. Write the most minimal policies that are a good fit for your organization’s needs and hold your teams to account for following them.
Practical solutions to my big list of distrust
Regardless of if you agree with my premise above, it’s worth us discussing practical ways you can improve how you and your colleagues use data. I’ll give examples in AWS-speak, but other clouds have equivalent options.
Treat data with care
Write a policy that makes expectations clear with input from key stakeholders, socialize it, performance manage people who don’t follow it. Sorry, that’s the best I’ve got for that one.
Tooling to make supporting an application sustainable
If you’ve ever tried selling the idea of writing a whole custom web-app purely for internal support, you’ll likely know that the idea can get some push back. An awesome half-way house that lets you build auditable graphical interfaces with granular access control is Retool (not sponsored). When I last deployed it, it had the odd rough edge, but overall I think it’s a superb way to drag and drop your way to an interface anyone can use as fast as you can knock out some SQL queries.
I find Retool a great way of building operational tasks into something that’s executable by anyone (hint hint in your run books), rather than something that’s executable by you, but only when you find that file you had somewhere with that query in. Maybe it was in Notepad++. Or maybe IntelliJ. Or did you save it in the Downloads folder?
Above and beyond operational work, you can also build applications that work perfectly well for non-technical internal users who perform actions at low volume. If you want to go big scale then do your performance testing homework. YMMV and I’m just some guy on the internet who used it a while back.
My personal preferences for Retool:
- Use the git syncing.
- Have another colleague setup the git syncing, so you don’t have to fiddle with it.
- Avoid users having direct access to databases unless it’s break glass access.
- Store the database’s admin user and Retool’s own user in AWS Secrets Manager, or really any service that lets you provably rotate the credentials after any human has had their grubby hands on them.
Make use of Lambda functions, Step Functions and other AWS services to perform actions that get complicated enough for you to feel any sharp edges of Retool. You’ll feel it when you get there!
If you’re not into all that serverless mumbo jumbo, just have it call your service’s API using OAuth authentication powered by AWS Cognito.
Thank you to my wonderful ex-colleague Toby for the recommendation on this one.
Build software and infrastructure securely
For this element I’d recommend the combination of:
- AWS Organization Tag Policies to enforce tagging, including data classification tags with well understood and enumerated values.
- Service Control Policies that block resources created without tags (where possible).
- AWS Identity Centre (née SSO) configured with day-to-day access that limits access to resources containing sensitive data, e.g. PII, and break-glass access for anything else. Ooh an opportunity to plug another post: Break glass access in AWS with Step Functions.
- AWS Config to tell you that your infrastructure doesn’t comply with best
- Choose your compliance pack flavour of choice and attempt to hide the subsequent bill from the accounts team.
- Custom Config rules to ensure that data sources tagged as containing sensitive data have additional controls (discussed below).
- AWS Security Hub to collate the Config findings that you really should get around to reading and do something about (please setup notifications).
- OWASP or equivalent security materials being an integral part of mandatory training.
The above will (hopefully) ensure that non-compliant resources are identified quickly and resolved by the team that made them. It should help to keep data access audited. On that topic…
Auditing access
Plenty of services log to AWS CloudTrail, so you should have that on. For the more “datary” stuff, it depends:
- S3 - mandate the use of CloudTrail data events when pesky humans have access to data deemed sensitive by the aforementioned tagging strategy.
- DynamoDB - as above.
- Insert data source that doesn’t have good audit logging - restrict access to
an internal tool like Retool and have it do the auditing part. If you can
turn on auditing that’s granular enough to see what a human or machine did
after the fact, then great. Otherwise, limit access to just break glass
- This will cover your Postgres, Redis, Elasticsearch types.
- Additionally, see if you can setup VPC Flow Logs targeting all traffic (not just blocked traffic) that happens between humans and the data source. For example, you might configure a Zero Trust Access tool to reach your Postgres database and then have all of its traffic recorded and archived away in a secure location. At least if the proverbial hits the fan you’ve got some indication of who it was. Favour Zero Trust Access tools over a classic VPN unless, you guessed it, it supports granular auditing.
As a general rule, if you can clearly audit what data was viewed or modified then the service is a candidate for day-to-day direct access. If not, front it with a tool like Retool or keep it to break-glass access only.
Don’t forget to store the logs somewhere where your users cannot delete them. Not even the ones you trust.
Some sort of conclusion
That’s my take on access control as it stands today. As noted before, I’ve adapted this over time and made my fair share of mistakes with paths previously trodden. If you’ve got opinions on access control or tips to help achieve the above, share them with your lovely colleagues.
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