Enforcing AWS tags the right way - without Tag Policies
Tags are essential in AWS. They let us allocate costs to different teams, projects, services or business areas, and can be critical in operational response. Tags get us from a page or security related notification to the right team much faster, especially for resources that don’t support names or those that are named automatically by Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like CDK. In Shift security left with AWS Config, I discussed providing near-instant feedback to builders when their resources don’t meet our compliance needs. That whole approach revolves around tags!
With a set of tagging standards agreed in your organisation, your next thought is likely “so how do we enforce these?”, and the obvious looking solution is AWS’ Tag Policies. Let’s examine challenges using Tag Policies and how we can achieve a better result.
What’s so bad about Tag Policies?
Resource support and wildcards
If you read the documentation of supported resources, you’ll immediately see
that many AWS resources just aren’t supported. Additionally, there’s a real mix
of services that do and don’t support a wildcard syntax, e.g. athena:*
target all Athena resources. This matters as we’re trying to fit as much as we
can into the 10,000-character limit applied to each individual policy. How many
characters does it take to include all the supported resources, taking
advantage of wildcards where possible? 4,681. Per tag! With the rest of the
JSON document and the tag name included, we can fit about two tags per policy.
We can attach a maximum of ten policies to one organisational unit, so that
gives us a maximum of twenty tags with the resources supported today. If you
need to exceed that number, you can add layers of tag policies in nested
organisational units to overcome the limit. I don’t understand why we can’t
have wildcards for every service, or even a *:*
to target every resource, but
you didn’t come to AWS for great user experience now, did you?!
Bad documentation
An additional challenge with the documentation page linked above is that some of the values are wrong. If we take the complete list of resources and place them into the editor in the UI, we get errors that look like this:
, elasticmapreduce:*
and wisdom:knowledge
are specified in the
docs, but aren’t accepted by AWS. My preferred approach is to spelunk my way
through the source code of the UI to find the real allowed values.
Taking the above list gives us 334 allowed resource types, a far cry from the 290 in the documentation. Check out the full diff at the end of the article if you’re curious about what’s missing.
No tags, no problem!
If we create a resource in AWS with no tags at all, or with a tag in the policy missing, the policies aren’t applied, and thus we get off scot-free. You might be tempted to enforce the use of tags with Service Control Policies (SCPs), but many services and tools apply the tags with a second operation once the resource has been created or updated. The net result? We can’t enforce that a user provides our mandatory tags.
What’s the solution?
We’ve spent a fair amount of time diving into why Tag Policies aren’t a great way to ensure tag compliance, so what can we do instead? Luckily, AWS Config allows us to inspect the tags on a resource and write custom rules to check they’re as we expect. If you haven’t heard of Config, it’s a service that evaluates your resources to decide if they meet certain compliance criteria, for example checking an S3 bucket isn’t open to the public. In Shift security left with AWS Config, I use a feature of Config to write an SQL query that fetches tags for any supported resource. Super handy!
Let’s write a custom Config rule that checks a resource has the tags we require. We’re going to use the CloudFormation Guard Domain-Specific-Language (DSL), but you can also make custom Config rules with Lambda functions.
We’ll start by requiring a tag that we want to enforce for all resource types:
tags["shersoft-ltd:workload:project"] !empty
If you want to follow along in the console while you’re developing your rule, see these steps:
With the rule in place, we can immediately see which resource are and aren’t compliant. We can expand our Config rule to cover some other tags:
tags["shersoft-ltd:workload:project"] !empty
tags["shersoft-ltd:workload:ref"] !empty
tags["shersoft-ltd:devops:environment"] !empty
We could additionally ensure that the tag value matches one of a set of allowed values. Let’s do that with the environment tag:
tags["shersoft-ltd:devops:environment"] == /staging|production/
At this point, you might be wondering how you can debug rules written in the Guard language, especially without incurring the cost of repeated Config evaluations. Luckily there’s a CLI that we can use for this purpose. Install it following the instructions on GitHub. I’m on a Mac, so will just do:
brew install cloudformation-guard
We’ll take the configuration item JSON, in this case a CodeArtifact repo, and
place it into resource.json
"version": "1.3",
"accountId": "123456789012",
"configurationItemCaptureTime": "2023-05-24T19:50:28.418Z",
"configurationItemStatus": "ResourceDiscovered",
"configurationStateId": "1684957828418",
"configurationItemMD5Hash": "",
"arn": "arn:aws:codeartifact:eu-west-1:123456789012:repository/test/repo",
"resourceType": "AWS::CodeArtifact::Repository",
"resourceId": "arn:aws:codeartifact:eu-west-1:123456789012:repository/test/repo",
"resourceName": "repo",
"awsRegion": "eu-west-1",
"availabilityZone": "Regional",
"tags": {},
"relatedEvents": [],
"relationships": [],
"configuration": {
"RepositoryName": "my-little-repo",
"Name": "repo",
"DomainName": "test",
"DomainOwner": "123456789012",
"Arn": "arn:aws:codeartifact:eu-west-1:123456789012:repository/test/repo",
"ExternalConnections": [],
"Upstreams": [
"Tags": []
"supplementaryConfiguration": {},
"resourceTransitionStatus": "None"
You’ll see that it’s got no tags. With that in place, we’ll put the tag rule
we’re developing into tag-rule.guard
, and run the CLI:
cfn-guard validate --rules tag-rule.guard --data resource.json
We’ll be given detailed debugging information about the rule evaluation - scroll to the right in the code pane to view the full message:
resource.json Status = FAIL
FAILED rules
tag-rule.guard/default FAIL
Evaluation of rules tag-rule.guard against data resource.json
Property traversed until [/tags] in data [resource.json] is not compliant with [tag-rule.guard/default] due to retrieval error. Error Message [Could not find key shersoft-ltd:workload:project inside struct at path /tags[L:13,C:10]]
Property traversed until [/tags] in data [resource.json] is not compliant with [tag-rule.guard/default] due to retrieval error. Error Message [Could not find key shersoft-ltd:workload:ref inside struct at path /tags[L:13,C:10]]
Property traversed until [/tags] in data [resource.json] is not compliant with [tag-rule.guard/default] due to retrieval error. Error Message [Could not find key shersoft-ltd:devops:environment inside struct at path /tags[L:13,C:10]]
How about with all tags present, and an invalid tag value in environment? Try updating the tags property in resource.json:
// ...
"tags": {
"shersoft-ltd:workload:project": "test",
"shersoft-ltd:workload:ref": "test",
"shersoft-ltd:devops:environment": "lemons"
// ...
Then re-run the validate command:
cfn-guard validate --rules tag-rule.guard --data resource.json
We get a new error!
... provided value ["lemons"] did not match expected value ["/staging|production/"]...
This allows us to rapidly iterate on our tag Config rule for free. We could even store the configuration items as a set of JSON test fixtures, call the CLI and then verify the resulting output in integration tests.
Tag Policies let us select resource types that we want to enforce the tags for, and we can achieve the same thing in our Config rule:
rule check_retention_tag when resourceType == "AWS::S3::Bucket" {
tags["shersoft-ltd:compliance:retention"] !empty
will now indicate that it didn’t check for that tag:
Rule [tag-rule.guard/check_retention_tag] is not applicable for template [resource.json]
Tag Policies have a number of practical limitations, including their lack of resource support, and requiring SCPs that are incompatible with some IaC tools. We can use a custom Config rule to mandate a set of tags based on the resource type, and achieve tagging harmony across our AWS organisation.
We’re not blocking resources from being created or updated with this solution, but we do get reporting of their compliance. We can combine this solution with the one in Shift security left with AWS Config to give builders near-instant feedback on the resource’s tagging - before their Pull Request lands.
See also
- Tagging Best Practices - AWS Whitepapers
- Writing AWS CloudFormation Guard rules - AWS Documentation
- Creating AWS Config Custom Policy Rules - AWS Documentation
The full documentation vs. source code diff for Tag Policy resources
*** /Users/jsj/scratch.txt 2023-06-14 21:10:16
--- /Users/jsj/scratch_2.txt 2023-06-14 21:10:16
*** 1,8 ****
--- 1,11 ----
+ "amplifyuibuilder:app/environment/components",
+ "amplifyuibuilder:app/environment/themes",
+ "aoss:collection",
*** 27,33 ****
- "backup:*",
--- 30,35 ----
*** 36,42 ****
--- 38,52 ----
+ "chime:app-instance/channel",
+ "chime:app-instance/user",
+ "chime:media-pipeline",
+ "chime:meeting",
+ "cleanrooms:collaboration",
+ "cleanrooms:configuredtable",
+ "cleanrooms:membership",
+ "cleanrooms:membership/configuredtableassociation",
*** 47,52 ****
--- 57,63 ----
+ "codecatalyst:connections",
*** 68,78 ****
--- 79,96 ----
+ "connect:instance/agent",
+ "connect:instance/contact-flow",
+ "connect:instance/integration-association",
+ "connect:instance/queue",
+ "connect:instance/routing-profile",
+ "connect:instance/transfer-destination",
+ "diode-messaging:mapping",
*** 133,141 ****
- "elasticmapreduce:*",
--- 151,159 ----
+ "emr-serverless:applications",
*** 171,176 ****
--- 189,195 ----
+ "internetmonitor:monitor",
*** 180,185 ****
--- 199,208 ----
+ "iotroborunner:site",
+ "iotroborunner:site/destination",
+ "iotroborunner:site/worker-fleet",
+ "iotroborunner:site/worker-fleet/worker",
*** 197,206 ****
--- 220,241 ----
+ "oam:link",
+ "oam:sink",
+ "omics:annotationStore",
+ "omics:referenceStore",
+ "omics:referenceStore/reference",
+ "omics:run",
+ "omics:runGroup",
+ "omics:sequenceStore",
+ "omics:sequenceStore/readSet",
+ "omics:variantStore",
+ "omics:workflow",
+ "pipes:pipe",
*** 215,220 ****
--- 250,257 ----
+ "redshift-serverless:namespace",
+ "redshift-serverless:workgroup",
*** 245,259 ****
! "sagemaker:processing-job ",
--- 282,302 ----
! "sagemaker:processing-job",
+ "scheduler:schedule-group",
+ "sms-voice:configuration-set",
+ "sms-voice:opt-out-list",
+ "sms-voice:phone-number",
+ "sms-voice:pool",
+ "sms-voice:sender-id",
*** 276,287 ****
! "wisdom:knowledge",
! "worklink:fleet"
--- 319,331 ----
+ "wickr:network",
! "wisdom:knowledge-base",
! "worklink:fleet",